Make the "switch" NOW™.
On July 31, 2020 the FDA cleared the BiPAD® Surgical Hand Switch for use in the Operating Room. Since this time BiPAD® has emerged in the market under the leadership of CEO Louis Cornacchia into 5 Hospitals in 3 different States including Florida, Texas, & Oklahoma.
As of September 3, 2020 the company has 31 Sales Reps working on entering additional
hospitals/markets and anticipates rapid growth over the next few months as the hand switch is adopted into more hospitals.

BiPAD® History & Use
Over the past 40 years, multiple attempts by many companies/individuals have been created to solve the electrocautery foot pedal issue and failed. After 5 years of research and development the BiPAD® Hand Switch emerged under the BiPAD® Surgical Group product line as its premier product successfully eliminating this issue.
BiPAD® provides surgeons with the first practical hand-activated switch for bipolar
electrocautery thereby liberating them from the foot pedal.* Bipolar electrocautery is vitally important in all open surgeries (i.e., non-endoscopic surgeries) because it provides a means of controlling hemorrhage without damaging surrounding tissues. BiPAD® saves multiple minutes per surgery by reducing bipolar forceps activation response time* and by eliminating the time spent searching for and repositioning the foot pedal*. It reduces risk and surgeon workload by eliminating the need to search for the foot pedal with every hemorrhage.
Reduced surgery time, blood loss, distractions, and surgeon workload all contribute to improved quality and safety.
Upon entry into the market 95% of surgeons interviewed would look into the switch in the operating room upon FDA clearance.
*Foot pedal is optional.